Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year + New Smartphone = Instagram Junkie

The battle is over - I held off on giving up my old flip phone for as long as I could.  Not because I'm technologically challenged, but because I knew once I got my hand on yet another fun, techie gizmo that much more time would be 'wasted' staring at a computer screen.  Yes, I've got them in all sizes now - phone, tablet, laptop & a desktop with a nice large monitor. Everything a gal could want - with the exception of more hours in the day; could definitely use more of those!

And so with the phone, of course comes Instagram.  I've been a member for all of 3 days and I'm hooked!

So much fun!  The iPhone will never take the place of my beloved camera, but Instagram is a great tool for adding some fun effects & uploading your smartphone pictures. (Most of you no doubt know this already.  As I stated above, I'm very late to this particular party.)
If you'd like to see the images I've been fooling around with, hop on over & see my Instagrampage.  I'd love to get some feedback.