Tuesday, November 25, 2014

BeFunky - More Editing Fun!

Photo Elements always has been and I imagine always will be my photo editor of choice. It's a great all around program.  But just for kicks I started playing around with the free online version of BeFunky.  It's great fun if you just want to do something quick with some pretty fun effects.  Here's a before & after shot I took at the Good Guys Car Show in Puyallup a couple of years ago.



To get this vintage, old time kind of feel I used the following effects in varying degrees:
  • Beautify
  • Soften
  • Focus Blur
  • Tilt-Shift 2
  • Old Photo 13
  • Summer 1
  • Vignette
I'm the first to admit that I can get a little carried away.  I probably didn't need to actually dabble with quite so many effects for one shot, but hey - it's fun!  And right now it's all about experimenting.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Let's Play!

Dang!  I've really fallen behind with my grand scheme of posting once a week!  Life is getting in the way, but fortunately I'm still taking the time to use my camera, learn more and play around with editing.  Just for fun I grabbed this not-so-great (well actually really bad) shot of my grandson fooling around last year.  (Which goes to show I also haven't been very good about weeding out the non-keepers and staying organized!!)

Anyway...  lousy shot, bad lighting, out of focus and frankly not his most flattering pose...


...but dink around, adjust the lighting, play with a few filters, add a fun frame and I now have a nostalgic image with a completely different feel - one that makes me laugh every time I look at it.   Makes me think of Alfalfa from the old "Our Gang" TV series.  :)


Not a tutorial.  Just sharing some fun I had and hopefully encouraging some of you to get in there and experiment too!