Dang! I've really fallen behind with my grand scheme of posting once a week! Life is getting in the way, but fortunately I'm still taking the time to use my camera, learn more and play around with editing. Just for fun I grabbed this not-so-great (well actually really bad) shot of my grandson fooling around last year. (Which goes to show I also haven't been very good about weeding out the non-keepers and staying organized!!)
Anyway... lousy shot, bad lighting, out of focus and frankly not his most flattering pose...
...but dink around, adjust the lighting, play with a few filters, add a fun frame and I now have a nostalgic image with a completely different feel - one that makes me laugh every time I look at it. Makes me think of Alfalfa from the old "Our Gang" TV series. :)
Not a tutorial. Just sharing some fun I had and hopefully encouraging some of you to get in there and experiment too!