Like lots of digital cameras, my Canon Elph compact has something called "stitch assist", which I've never had much luck with. However in all fairness, I've not really spent any decent amount of time at it. I just kind of played with it a time or two, didn't get any great results and moved on. (Apparently I sometimes have a short attention span.) Anyway my point is, it just might be a dandy little feature if I'd only give it a bit of a chance.
My Sony Nex5N has something called "sweep panorama". Even though my love affair with this camera began more than a year ago, I'd never bothered to use it. So while vacationing in Hawaii recently I decided to give it a go. My first attempt was overlooking the Halemaumau Crater. I carefully steadied the camera as I panned slowly from left to right. I made several attempts - each time getting a nasty-gram from my beloved Sony - a horrible beeping noise with the message "move the camera from left to right". Well dammit! What did it think I was doing?! I consult the help menu and again I'm told "move the camera from left to right". After briefly questioning my abilities to know my left from my right, I set out to try again. Well it just so happens that next to me some young 'fella with his smarty-pants phone is panning and he's just going lickety-split. And it worked! So I throw myself into 'overdrive' and finally my camera captures an image. It turns out I was just underestimating technology and my camera was just wanting me to pick up the pace.

Now you can see above, this first attempt is not a roaring success.
It's very clear that I wasn't steady enough for the camera to match up the segments.
It's very clear that I wasn't steady enough for the camera to match up the segments.

So I give it another try, moving quickly but steadier and tackling a little smaller area.
Not too bad.
This time I got several decent panoramas and was able to pan a bit wider distance. Success!
Of course by then I'm feeling pretty smug and decide I'll test things out going vertical instead of horizontal. Well guess what? No matter how many times I tried - and at various speeds - I wasn't able to get one stink'n shot. Not even a messy, zig-zag one like my first example... Ah well, something for another day.